Friday, June 29, 2007

Heather and Hunter

Our friends Heather and Hunter were down this past week visiting Nana Ceil. Here's a couple of pictures taken after an afternoon swim! We miss you guys - thanks for spending time with us this week!

Our Favorite Old Lady

Aunt Holly called today concerned because Annabelle wasn't on our blog! No, she's not like our favorite fashion designer - she's just fine! Lindsay woke her up so we could get a picture of her awake - a rarity for this 14+ year old!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lindsay's Teeth!

Today Lindsay had her full set of braces put on her teeth - about 2 years after getting braces! We are nearing the end now - and then it's Andy's turn. Here is Lindsay enjoying her favorite ice cream for breakfast!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sea World

Today Jake and Mom went to Sea World with the Herods and did we have fun! Mom was nice enough to make sure there were no pictures taken of her! Here's Diane, Ashe, Jake and Nick at Shamu stadium watching those crazy killer whales! It was hot - Ashe's hi-tech stroller said it was 132 degrees in the sun! Thanks for spending the day with us Mrs. Herod, Nick and Ashie!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today is Grandpa's Birthday! He was here on Saturday, but we forgot to take any pictures. Have a happy day - we love you!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Harlan

Harlan is adjusting well to life here at the Gainer house. If you look closely, you can see his tail wagging!

A boy and his dog - and his video game!

Jake and Peanut are always together! Here they are playing Jake's PSP on Sunday morning!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

More VBS

Andy spent the night at a friend's house on Thursday - can you tell?

Vacation Bible School

This past week was Vacation Bible School at our church. Lindsay and Andy have been crew leaders the last few years and Jake is a participant each year. They have tons of fun every year!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Gainers Got Skills

Those Gainer kids have been spending lots of time playing basketball this summer! Looks like Jake is dogging them all!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

New Family Member

We recently added a new family member! His name is Harlan and he's lots of fun!