Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

Grandma came up on Christmas Eve and we went to Mass at our beautiful church - Happy Birthday Jesus!
Hmmm........that's Grandma's opinion!

Too much turkey for Harlan?

Cooking Christmas Dinner with Grandma.

Off to South Carolina and Mama's "lowcountry" Christmas tree!

Cousin Allman wasn't bothered at all by the 50 degree water!

We were lucky enough to see cousin Kelly while in South Carolina.

The water was freezing!

Another beautiful day on Pawley's Island!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another weekend.........another Baby Shower!

So, this weekend's shower was for Mrs. Priske and Kiley. Lindsay had a "pea" in her "pod" and mom had a "bun" in her "oven" and we actually won stuff! We can't wait for Kiley to get here!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Our two 11 year olds - sound asleep early tonight!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aimee's Baby Shower

Another weekend, another Baby Shower - that's what we do in 2nd grade! This weekend we had a celebration for Baby Kendall who will probably be born on my birthday -we can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

From the Vault

An old picture of Annie from when the children used to torture her!

Jake's Birthday Celebration

On Friday we took Jake's friend Austin with us to Universal/Islands of Adventure to celebrate Jake's birthday. What a great way to spend a teacher work day!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Missing Annabelle

These two have been very sad without their friend Annie. I think they miss her as much as we do!

Friday, October 17, 2008

ESOL Torture Over!

I received my passing score on the ESOL test today - I'm sure it should say "barely passed"! Thank goodness this torture is finally over - yay me!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Jake!

Today Jake turned 11! Here he is after baseball practice and birthday dinner - we love you Baby Jake!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Team Emerson

A friend and co-worker of Mom's had a beautiful baby girl last week named Emerson Leigh. She was quickly diagnosed with Down's Syndrome and, as God would have it, there was a walk for the Down's Syndrome Association of Central Florida on Emerson's 1 week birthday! Many of the teachers and staff along with the Frosch family were able to raise over $4000 in less than a week for the Association. Here we are before the walk began - what a great family to work with!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Lindsay finally went and got her learner's permit after completing everything 9 months ago. We took advantage of having Rosh Hashana off to go and get it. Now she can learn to drive...........with her dad!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Annabelle Marie

We lost our sweet Annabelle Marie unexpectedly over the weekend. We will miss her woofing at Harlan when he makes her mad, nipping at our ankles and calves to get us to give her cookies and her click-clacking on the laminate bright and early each morning. We know she is in that special place that God has for dogs that brought only happiness to their owners lives - we miss you Annie.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


That's Girls Night Out for those unfamiliar with Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. We went out to celebrate Lindsay's birthday with one of her best friends, Amanda on Saturday. Mom got to invite a friend also so Mrs. Herod joined us for lots of food, fun and shopping! Here we are at Kobe Steakhouse.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Camera

Lindsay got a new camera for her birthday and has been busy trying it out! Here's Harlan in black and white. He should be in a Bassett Hound calendar!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tough Day

Poor Jake - still getting dragged from place to place - here he is after a full day of school and football!

Sweet Sixteen

Lindsay is 16! She is planning a party for next weekend to celebrate. We were at Andy's Football game on the actual day.

Go Silverhawks!

Andy is on the Freshman Football Team this year and last night they won their first game of the season. The team went on the road to Lake Mary and beat the Rams 22-6! It was the first win for the Freshman time in a long time - they didn't win one game last season.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rays Win!

Tonight we took the boys to the Tampa Bay Rays game with some friends. It was an awesome game - the Orioles tied the game in the top of the 9th and the Rays wound up scoring the winning run in the bottom of the 9th! Go Rays!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Jake's first grade teacher Mrs. Fitz recently rescued some kittens from near death - their mom had abandoned them. She brought them in to school on Friday and Jake, Madison and Nick each gave one of them their afternoon bottles - that's one of the things that makes Mrs. Fitzpatrick the best teacher in the world!

First (and Second) Week of School!

Well, school started as expected on Monday, August 18th and then we had a couple of days off thanks to Fay. Thursday, the 21st was the second day of school and the worst day of Fay. We spent the day getting soaked and blown away by Tropical Storm wind and rain. We were off again on Friday so this past week was really the first week of school with two weeks of work to fit in! A crazy start - and a crazy class. A great bunch of kids who LOVE to talk - all the time, non-stop - looks like the mean Mrs. Gainer will make an appearance next Tuesday! Or perhaps the re-arranged room will take care of the problem - we'll see.....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Party for Baby Frosch!

About 1/2 of the school is pregnant right now. Here are several of them at Lauren's shower!

First Day of School 2008

Well, we only managed to get one child's picture on the first day of school and only because Mrs. Herod remembered her camera before Jake went to his 5th grade classroom. Here he is on his first day of his last year at Red Bug!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

SC for Lindsay and Papa D

Dad and Lindsay left today for Mama's house. Dad will be there for a golf weekend and Lindsay will spend her last week before school hanging out with Mama!